Glycerol BP 70% 2g
Suitable for children 1+
Available in 12 suppositories

Essential Information:

Care Glycerin Suppositories BP 2g Children’s size. For the relief of occasional constipation. Contains Glycerol. Always read the label.

Glycerol BP 70% 1g
Suitable for children under 1
Available in 12 Suppositories

Essential Information:

Care Glycerin Suppositories BP 1g Infants’ size. For the relief of occasional constipation. Contains Glycerol. Always read the label.

Does not help with weight loss
Suitable for adults 18+
Available in packs of 20 tablets

Essential Information:

Care Senna Tablets Adults. A herbal medicinal product used for the short term relief of occasional constipation. Contains Alexandrian Senna fruit (Cassia senna L. (C. acutifolia Delile) fruit). Always read the label.

Glycerol BP 70% 4g
Adult size suppositories
Available in 12 Suppositories

Essential Information:

Care Glycerin Suppositories BP 4g Adult size. For the relief of occasional constipation. Contains Glycerol. Always read the label.

Relieves occasional constipation
Suitable for 12+

Essential Information:

Care Epsom Salts BP. For the relief of occasional constipation. For the relief of pain from sprains, bruises and boils. Contains Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate. Always read the label.

Lactase enzyme
Suitable from birth
10ml Liquid

Essential Information:

Care Co-Lactase, is an instant feed lactase enzyme to reduce lactose content in breast milk and infant formula. Can be used from birth. Always read the label. This is not a medicine

Does not help with weight loss
Suitable for children 12+
Available in packs of 60 & 100 tablets

Essential Information:

Care Senna 7.5mg Tablets 12 Years Plus. A herbal medicinal product used for the short term relief of occasional constipation. Contains Alexandrian Senna fruit (Cassia senna L. (C. acutifolia Delile) fruit). Always read the label.

For ages 12+, adults and the elderly
500ml Bottle
Provides relief from Acid Indigestion & Heartburn

Essential Information:

Care Heartburn Relief Oral Suspension 500ml Liquid. Alleviates the painful conditions resulting from the reflux of gastric acid and bile into the oesophagus by suppressing the reflux itself. Contains Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Alginate, Calcium Carbonate. Always read the label.